Reactie op artikel ‘Italiaans familiebedrijf als financier’

19 april 2023, leestijd 2 minuten

Naar aanleiding van mijn artikel ‘Italiaans familiebedrijf als financier’ van 21 juni 2022, gepubliceerd in Dagblad Suriname, ontving in de volgende e-mail, die ik onverkort weergeef:

Good afternoon ,
I received from a friend just today an article that you published on June 21, 2022, so I’m here to bring the truth and not the discrediting news that many of the press often like to resort to.
Assuming that what we had signed was a memorandum for a loan to the Government of Suriname, and that the government should have presented the projects relating to the loan during the implementation. Maec 87 was the special purpose company that was needed to present to the American financial platform ” Forza Capital” ( The people following the deal on behalf of Suriname were fully aware that Forza Capital would take over the deal ) the request for financing under the conditions set out in the Memorandum to which, upon presentation of the requested guarantees and acceptance of the same, the final loan agreement would have been completed with the direct involvement of the American Company which would have financed the project through the Bank Of America. If Suriname can access or not access so-called second market loans, given that we are talking about ministers, it should know if it can or cannot access private financing, which usually only private companies resort to. In fact, Suriname has never sent the promised guarantees and after having also organized a meeting in a famous planning office in Milan and involving interested companies in the meeting, late in the evening before the meeting which was to be attended by the finance minister of back from the Emirates the meeting was canceled and our memorandum after this umpteenth mockery ended up in the trash. We have not made any claims for compensation, despite having suffered damage.
I believe that what you have published should have first contacted us for clarification and to know the reality of the facts and perhaps contact the facilitators that Suriname had hired to contact us and to get to sign a Memorandum.
  In closing, I ask you that it is right to make your readers aware of the reality of what happened and how the events actually took place.

Angelo Montanari

Maec 87 Sole administrator.